Diet, Exercise and Rest.
Nutrition has played a huge part in healing my body & soul over many years. I was addicted to alcohol for 15 years of my life, from the age of 16 to 33. Initially it seemed like my best friend, enabling me to cope with shyness, lack of self esteem, feelings of inferiority, fear of life, authority figures. Alcohol dulled the unbearable emotional pain inside due to the loss of my beloved grandparents at the tender age of 10 & 11.
We tend to inherit certain dispositions from our parents. My mother found it difficult keeping food down during her pregnancy with me, the birth was a difficult forceps one & I was bottle fed, so the very important antibodies found in breast milk were missing for the support of a healthy immune system. Therefore I spent a lot of time in bed as a child with childhood ailments such as measles, whooping cough, tonsillitis & asthma. My mother was very anxious as I was the firstborn & being a post war baby contributed to her anxiety & the fact she lived with my grandparents & my dad was away at sea in the Navy much of the time. This anxiety was transmitted to me.
Our diet was not ideal, we consumed lots of cows milk, grains & refined sugars. Subsequently my digestive system did not function well because of indigestion & constipation so the pain & discomfort in my gut was unbearable at times! I’ve since learned over the years that since I’m an 'A' positive blood group & some of my ancestors were from more Mediterranean climes the western winters were not ideal, especially as I was raised in a home in the west country which was very cold during winter because in those days we had no central heating, just gas fires!
Because of continuous infections, sore throats & colds, my doctor thought it most sensible to admit me to hospital at the age of 7, to remove my tonsils & adenoids which were part of my immune system! This was one of the most traumatic events of my life. I was wheeled down a corridor into the operating theatre with bright lights & a sea of masked faces looking down on me, a mask was forced over my face & I was sent into oblivion. There was no such thing as pre-medication in those days. On waking from this butchery I was bleeding profusely from my throat & nose & was completely emotionally & physically traumatised after the operation. They gave me loads of ice cream to soothe my throat in the hospital after that & I was discharged a couple of days later & remember being so happily relieved I was at home again. I was then readmitted to hospital because of a re occurrence of the bleeding days later & had to stay in Greenbank Hospital in Plymouth for another week until everything settled down! After this unbelievably traumatic experience I had many very bad nose bleeds for several years which were extremely distressing, especially as some of them happened whilst I was at school. No one at this time suggested nutritional therapy to strengthen my immune system!
I was sent to a physiotherapist and had violet ray therapy for the asthma & was shown how to do deep breathing exercises which helped to alleviate my breathlessness. I had to have most of my milk teeth out by gas & anaesthesia because of abscesses underneath my teeth. As a result of this traumatic experience I developed a terrible fear of going to the dentist which took many years to overcome! Around the age of 16 I started to smoke cigarettes, it seemed the grown up thing to do around the children I was mixing with at the rough school I was attending at the time.
At the age of 16 I took my first drink of sherry at Christmas & will never forget the wonderful euphoric feeling it gave me which seemed to flow through my veins & radiate throughout my body. This was the beginning of my drinking career which lasted for the next 17 years until the age of 33. Alcohol became my best friend initially and became my worst enemy at the end of my drinking days. Fortunately God intervened & filled me with His Holy Spirit at this time & began to teach me a little about nutrition!
During my teens & twenties I suffered from severe depression for many reasons, post bereavement, abuse from a couple of teachers at school for which I was sent to the doctor who prescribed anti-depressants & Valium. I was also sent to see a psychiatrist on one occasion which was unhelpful. Alcohol & refined sugar & nutritional deficiencies played a huge part in this scenario. I was very unhappy because I felt so unwell, socially I loved alcohol more & more because It gave me a temporary feeling of euphoria & well being & calmed my nerves, or so I thought! I was a prime candidate for alcohol addiction with a low immune system & a developing sweet tooth!
I smoked up until the age of 29. I used to get regular bouts of bronchitis during the winter months in my twenties for which I was put on courses of antibiotics from the doctor. One GP once told me, in my early twenties, if I didn’t quit smoking I’d be a chronic bronchitic by the time I was 30! All these antibiotics were also contributing to the breaking down of the good bacteria in my colon over a period of time. Looking back on it I’m wondering whether I had many good bacteria in my gut at all considering all the gut problems in my earlier life! Because of my smoking, high alcohol & sugar intake over the years I was destroying the very necessary B vitamins necessary for a healthy nervous system & which would normally be manufactured in a healthy intestinal tract. Mine certainly was not healthy in those days!
Over the years my alcohol addiction had become progressively worse &, although I was a functioning alcoholic, I was never in denial, I knew I needed help. However I was scared to approach Alcoholics Anonymous as I thought they were a load of dirty meths drinkers, like the ones who used to come into the Plastic Surgery Clinic for treatment of burns that they had sustained when falling into fires they had been sitting around to keep warm outside the London Hospital in Whitechapel where I worked from 1970 to 1974. Instead I used to ring the Samaritans regularly because I was in torment!
Ultimately I became a binge drinker & used to wake up early in the mornings after a binge, shaking & sweating & sometimes vomiting & at the worst times needed to fix these symptoms with a couple of large gin & tonics first thing in the morning! I was unable to function very well for a few days after that, then the pattern would repeat itself over again. I hit bottom when I lost my memory one day & couldn’t remember what had happened the night before when I’d been to a party in London, I couldn’t remember where I’d been or who with when I woke up in the morning in a strange place!
It was around this time I met my husband who, bless him, didn’t know how to help me with the addiction. Looking back at this now it is no surprise as there has always been much ignorance in society in relation to the spiritual, mental & physical damage caused by this terrible, socially acceptable disease & spiritual sickness.
After 3 children, a wonderful gift from our Living Creator, & at the age of 44 I went through a very early menopause because my endocrine system, the system responsible for the production of hormones, was very stressed. My Gynaecologist advised me, since I was going for several months without periods, & when I did get a period it was a massive flood, that It would be best if I had a D & C (dilation & curettage) of my uterus, after which he’d found a benign polyp in my uterus (womb). Following this procedure I ceased to have periods completely. However after my little operation I felt very unwell as I had enough nutritional knowledge by this time to realise I needed nutritional & natural therapy help rather than HRT. I’d long since stopped seeking solutions in orthodox medicine. I had stopped drinking alcohol completely 11 years before the D & C. However I had a major problem with sugar addiction. When my husband bought my favourite dark Spartan chocolates for me I could not just eat one or two, I had to eat the whole top layer!
I met a practitioner who helped me to get my sweet tooth under control & who prescribed some natural supplements. Another therapist recommended I have a series of 6 colonics which proved not to be very successful. I then met another therapist who advised me to drink between 8 to 12 glasses of water & take some good oils every day for 3 to 4 months, then have another series of colonics. This time the 6 colonics were 90% more effective than the first session of colonics. Every time I had another session my perception was enhanced so that the trees and plants outside looked much brighter! (Colonics are a series of natural hydrotherapy cleanses to clear out all the waste & poisons which accumulate in our colons over the years because of our faulty western diets & lifestyles). A live blood analysis done at the Gerson Clinic also showed parasites in my blood & that my red blood cells were in urgent need of oxygenation!
Although not totally over the fence with my health I now practise nutrition & natural medicine for myself & for those who have ears to hear. Medications suppress symptoms & interfere with the body’s natural chemistry & all drugs & vaccinations have side effects. The root cause of disease is dehydration, lack of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fibre, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, the vitamin D hormone, vitamin K2, essential oils, lack of exercise, good quality sleep & stress! All this causes toxicity & subsequent disease in the body.
I’ve studied many of the works of the old pioneers of natural medicine such as Dr Norman Walker who recommends loads of raw food salads & doing several fasts & colon cleanses each year. Dr Bernard Jensen who wrote the Doctor/Patient Handbook, an amazing eye opening book explaining how the colon gets toxic, also recommending colon cleansing & fasting to detoxify the body. Chapter One of this book is entitled 'Death begins in the colon' (This means toxicity and disease ultimately leads to death) The Doctor/Patient handbook is now out of print, however I’ve managed to acquire a few copies over the years from places like Waterstones Market Place & it may be possible to obtain it from other online sources. I’m guessing that most medical doctors haven’t heard of the Doctor/Patient Handbook & it would not be in the interests of the pharmaceutical industry to promote this type of approach. Doctors are trained to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs as the pharmaceutical industry finances medical schools! Most of the old pioneers of natural medicine were fit & healthy & still practicing up into their nineties. I believe if the body is given the right conditions it will begin to heal itself. However in some circumstances it is very necessary to use pharmaceutical drugs such as in emergencies and for terminal illness which need palliative care.
Thomas Edison, a famous scientist, once said: ‘Until a man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so called knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favour compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life. When correctly used, herbs promote the elimination of waste matter and poisons from the system, by simple, natural means; they support nature in its fight against disease, while chemicals, not being assimilable, add to the accumulation of morbid matter and only simulate improvement by “suppressing” the symptoms.’
Taking fresh juices & smoothies first thing in the morning is a good way to cleanse our bodies. When we have been on a good diet for some time - meaning sugar & grain free with little fruit & dairy produce, we have spent time building our immune systems with a good diet & good supplements, this will enable us to do a juice or water fast. The old pioneers of natural medicine suggest the body goes in three cycles; from 4am to 12 noon is the time for the body to cleanse itself from impurities, from 12 noon until 8pm is the time for eating, building up & energising & from 8pm until 4am is the time for sleeping when the internal organs are resting & rejuvenating. Using natural herbs is also important for cleansing & healing our bodies (And God said, See I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food Genesis 1:29 Amplified Bible).
Light & oxygen are essential to keep disease free. We need to learn how to alkalize our bodies. Most disease is caused by a too acidic pH caused by pollution, wrong foods, nutritional deficiencies, stress on all levels - physical, mental & emotional. A most enlightening book on this subject is by Dr Theodore Baroody, entitled ‘Alkalize or Die!’ Alkalising foods consist mainly of all natural, organic vegetables & fruits. Making our diets consist of 60 to 70% raw foods and steamed vegetables, eliminating highly processed foods, grains, refined sugars & carbohydrates, and almost all dairy produce is a sensible idea. I just eat a small amount of unpasteurised butter. Dairy produce is a major allergen, even if mothers are breastfeeding this tough protein, casein, will get into the breast milk if she is consuming dairy produce. Three month colic is typical of dairy allergy, I believe many babies suffer from this with distressing screaming. I also suffered from recurrent upper respiratory tract infections including tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis and asthma. I believe dairy allergies contributed to these problems. Approximately 30% of my diet may consist of Organic meat and fish plus a certain amount of seeds and nuts.
Oxygen is taken into our bodies by correct deep breathing from the diaphragm, swimming, brisk walking, trampolining etc. Housework & gardening are very good also. Lying out in the sunshine for half an hour at a time, preferably naked, is excellent for vitamin D absorption. Exposure to the sun for short periods every day in the summer, without covering the body with sunscreen which inhibits vitamin D uptake, is very important. If this isn’t possible then it’s important to get outside & walk at all times throughout the year. This will help to increase the serotonin levels, the chemical nerve messengers in the brain, It will help to combat depression & the SAD syndrome which is so prevalent at these times, especially in the Western Hemisphere. We in the Western Hemisphere also need to supplement with a good quality vitamin D & K2 supplement like the one I use every day which is sprayed under the tongue & will get right into the blood stream.
It’s a very good idea to walk bare foot outdoors in the garden & on the beach. The Hunza tribe in the Himalayas live almost next to the earth, they only eat pure foods & drink water from the mountains & they spend most of the time out doors. These folk very often live to the age of 120 & are fit & active & healthy right up to the end of their lives.
Nutrition is so important for building up our immune systems. Refined sugar is our deadly enemy as it feeds fungal infections which break down the good bacteria in the gut, subsequently burrows through the colon walls & sets up disease in any part of the body. Professor John Yudkin has written a very interesting book about sugar entitled 'Pure, White and Deadly'. In the early 1900’s the average person in the Western world was eating approximately 7 lbs of refined sugar a year. Now the average person is eating their whole body weight in refined sugar each year. This has most definitely contributed to diseases & toxic behaviour patterns. It’s a very good idea to eat a portion of food at each meal which fits into our two cupped hands. The stomach is put under huge stress if it’s overloaded! Taking responsibility for our own health is vitally important. Diet, exercise & rest are the most important aspects for developing a spiritual life also.
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received as a gift from God? You are not your own. You were bought with a price. So then honour God and bring glory to Him in your body”.
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
We tend to inherit certain dispositions from our parents. My mother found it difficult keeping food down during her pregnancy with me, the birth was a difficult forceps one & I was bottle fed, so the very important antibodies found in breast milk were missing for the support of a healthy immune system. Therefore I spent a lot of time in bed as a child with childhood ailments such as measles, whooping cough, tonsillitis & asthma. My mother was very anxious as I was the firstborn & being a post war baby contributed to her anxiety & the fact she lived with my grandparents & my dad was away at sea in the Navy much of the time. This anxiety was transmitted to me.
Our diet was not ideal, we consumed lots of cows milk, grains & refined sugars. Subsequently my digestive system did not function well because of indigestion & constipation so the pain & discomfort in my gut was unbearable at times! I’ve since learned over the years that since I’m an 'A' positive blood group & some of my ancestors were from more Mediterranean climes the western winters were not ideal, especially as I was raised in a home in the west country which was very cold during winter because in those days we had no central heating, just gas fires!
Because of continuous infections, sore throats & colds, my doctor thought it most sensible to admit me to hospital at the age of 7, to remove my tonsils & adenoids which were part of my immune system! This was one of the most traumatic events of my life. I was wheeled down a corridor into the operating theatre with bright lights & a sea of masked faces looking down on me, a mask was forced over my face & I was sent into oblivion. There was no such thing as pre-medication in those days. On waking from this butchery I was bleeding profusely from my throat & nose & was completely emotionally & physically traumatised after the operation. They gave me loads of ice cream to soothe my throat in the hospital after that & I was discharged a couple of days later & remember being so happily relieved I was at home again. I was then readmitted to hospital because of a re occurrence of the bleeding days later & had to stay in Greenbank Hospital in Plymouth for another week until everything settled down! After this unbelievably traumatic experience I had many very bad nose bleeds for several years which were extremely distressing, especially as some of them happened whilst I was at school. No one at this time suggested nutritional therapy to strengthen my immune system!
I was sent to a physiotherapist and had violet ray therapy for the asthma & was shown how to do deep breathing exercises which helped to alleviate my breathlessness. I had to have most of my milk teeth out by gas & anaesthesia because of abscesses underneath my teeth. As a result of this traumatic experience I developed a terrible fear of going to the dentist which took many years to overcome! Around the age of 16 I started to smoke cigarettes, it seemed the grown up thing to do around the children I was mixing with at the rough school I was attending at the time.
At the age of 16 I took my first drink of sherry at Christmas & will never forget the wonderful euphoric feeling it gave me which seemed to flow through my veins & radiate throughout my body. This was the beginning of my drinking career which lasted for the next 17 years until the age of 33. Alcohol became my best friend initially and became my worst enemy at the end of my drinking days. Fortunately God intervened & filled me with His Holy Spirit at this time & began to teach me a little about nutrition!
During my teens & twenties I suffered from severe depression for many reasons, post bereavement, abuse from a couple of teachers at school for which I was sent to the doctor who prescribed anti-depressants & Valium. I was also sent to see a psychiatrist on one occasion which was unhelpful. Alcohol & refined sugar & nutritional deficiencies played a huge part in this scenario. I was very unhappy because I felt so unwell, socially I loved alcohol more & more because It gave me a temporary feeling of euphoria & well being & calmed my nerves, or so I thought! I was a prime candidate for alcohol addiction with a low immune system & a developing sweet tooth!
I smoked up until the age of 29. I used to get regular bouts of bronchitis during the winter months in my twenties for which I was put on courses of antibiotics from the doctor. One GP once told me, in my early twenties, if I didn’t quit smoking I’d be a chronic bronchitic by the time I was 30! All these antibiotics were also contributing to the breaking down of the good bacteria in my colon over a period of time. Looking back on it I’m wondering whether I had many good bacteria in my gut at all considering all the gut problems in my earlier life! Because of my smoking, high alcohol & sugar intake over the years I was destroying the very necessary B vitamins necessary for a healthy nervous system & which would normally be manufactured in a healthy intestinal tract. Mine certainly was not healthy in those days!
Over the years my alcohol addiction had become progressively worse &, although I was a functioning alcoholic, I was never in denial, I knew I needed help. However I was scared to approach Alcoholics Anonymous as I thought they were a load of dirty meths drinkers, like the ones who used to come into the Plastic Surgery Clinic for treatment of burns that they had sustained when falling into fires they had been sitting around to keep warm outside the London Hospital in Whitechapel where I worked from 1970 to 1974. Instead I used to ring the Samaritans regularly because I was in torment!
Ultimately I became a binge drinker & used to wake up early in the mornings after a binge, shaking & sweating & sometimes vomiting & at the worst times needed to fix these symptoms with a couple of large gin & tonics first thing in the morning! I was unable to function very well for a few days after that, then the pattern would repeat itself over again. I hit bottom when I lost my memory one day & couldn’t remember what had happened the night before when I’d been to a party in London, I couldn’t remember where I’d been or who with when I woke up in the morning in a strange place!
It was around this time I met my husband who, bless him, didn’t know how to help me with the addiction. Looking back at this now it is no surprise as there has always been much ignorance in society in relation to the spiritual, mental & physical damage caused by this terrible, socially acceptable disease & spiritual sickness.
After 3 children, a wonderful gift from our Living Creator, & at the age of 44 I went through a very early menopause because my endocrine system, the system responsible for the production of hormones, was very stressed. My Gynaecologist advised me, since I was going for several months without periods, & when I did get a period it was a massive flood, that It would be best if I had a D & C (dilation & curettage) of my uterus, after which he’d found a benign polyp in my uterus (womb). Following this procedure I ceased to have periods completely. However after my little operation I felt very unwell as I had enough nutritional knowledge by this time to realise I needed nutritional & natural therapy help rather than HRT. I’d long since stopped seeking solutions in orthodox medicine. I had stopped drinking alcohol completely 11 years before the D & C. However I had a major problem with sugar addiction. When my husband bought my favourite dark Spartan chocolates for me I could not just eat one or two, I had to eat the whole top layer!
I met a practitioner who helped me to get my sweet tooth under control & who prescribed some natural supplements. Another therapist recommended I have a series of 6 colonics which proved not to be very successful. I then met another therapist who advised me to drink between 8 to 12 glasses of water & take some good oils every day for 3 to 4 months, then have another series of colonics. This time the 6 colonics were 90% more effective than the first session of colonics. Every time I had another session my perception was enhanced so that the trees and plants outside looked much brighter! (Colonics are a series of natural hydrotherapy cleanses to clear out all the waste & poisons which accumulate in our colons over the years because of our faulty western diets & lifestyles). A live blood analysis done at the Gerson Clinic also showed parasites in my blood & that my red blood cells were in urgent need of oxygenation!
Although not totally over the fence with my health I now practise nutrition & natural medicine for myself & for those who have ears to hear. Medications suppress symptoms & interfere with the body’s natural chemistry & all drugs & vaccinations have side effects. The root cause of disease is dehydration, lack of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fibre, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, the vitamin D hormone, vitamin K2, essential oils, lack of exercise, good quality sleep & stress! All this causes toxicity & subsequent disease in the body.
I’ve studied many of the works of the old pioneers of natural medicine such as Dr Norman Walker who recommends loads of raw food salads & doing several fasts & colon cleanses each year. Dr Bernard Jensen who wrote the Doctor/Patient Handbook, an amazing eye opening book explaining how the colon gets toxic, also recommending colon cleansing & fasting to detoxify the body. Chapter One of this book is entitled 'Death begins in the colon' (This means toxicity and disease ultimately leads to death) The Doctor/Patient handbook is now out of print, however I’ve managed to acquire a few copies over the years from places like Waterstones Market Place & it may be possible to obtain it from other online sources. I’m guessing that most medical doctors haven’t heard of the Doctor/Patient Handbook & it would not be in the interests of the pharmaceutical industry to promote this type of approach. Doctors are trained to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs as the pharmaceutical industry finances medical schools! Most of the old pioneers of natural medicine were fit & healthy & still practicing up into their nineties. I believe if the body is given the right conditions it will begin to heal itself. However in some circumstances it is very necessary to use pharmaceutical drugs such as in emergencies and for terminal illness which need palliative care.
Thomas Edison, a famous scientist, once said: ‘Until a man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so called knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favour compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life. When correctly used, herbs promote the elimination of waste matter and poisons from the system, by simple, natural means; they support nature in its fight against disease, while chemicals, not being assimilable, add to the accumulation of morbid matter and only simulate improvement by “suppressing” the symptoms.’
Taking fresh juices & smoothies first thing in the morning is a good way to cleanse our bodies. When we have been on a good diet for some time - meaning sugar & grain free with little fruit & dairy produce, we have spent time building our immune systems with a good diet & good supplements, this will enable us to do a juice or water fast. The old pioneers of natural medicine suggest the body goes in three cycles; from 4am to 12 noon is the time for the body to cleanse itself from impurities, from 12 noon until 8pm is the time for eating, building up & energising & from 8pm until 4am is the time for sleeping when the internal organs are resting & rejuvenating. Using natural herbs is also important for cleansing & healing our bodies (And God said, See I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food Genesis 1:29 Amplified Bible).
Light & oxygen are essential to keep disease free. We need to learn how to alkalize our bodies. Most disease is caused by a too acidic pH caused by pollution, wrong foods, nutritional deficiencies, stress on all levels - physical, mental & emotional. A most enlightening book on this subject is by Dr Theodore Baroody, entitled ‘Alkalize or Die!’ Alkalising foods consist mainly of all natural, organic vegetables & fruits. Making our diets consist of 60 to 70% raw foods and steamed vegetables, eliminating highly processed foods, grains, refined sugars & carbohydrates, and almost all dairy produce is a sensible idea. I just eat a small amount of unpasteurised butter. Dairy produce is a major allergen, even if mothers are breastfeeding this tough protein, casein, will get into the breast milk if she is consuming dairy produce. Three month colic is typical of dairy allergy, I believe many babies suffer from this with distressing screaming. I also suffered from recurrent upper respiratory tract infections including tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis and asthma. I believe dairy allergies contributed to these problems. Approximately 30% of my diet may consist of Organic meat and fish plus a certain amount of seeds and nuts.
Oxygen is taken into our bodies by correct deep breathing from the diaphragm, swimming, brisk walking, trampolining etc. Housework & gardening are very good also. Lying out in the sunshine for half an hour at a time, preferably naked, is excellent for vitamin D absorption. Exposure to the sun for short periods every day in the summer, without covering the body with sunscreen which inhibits vitamin D uptake, is very important. If this isn’t possible then it’s important to get outside & walk at all times throughout the year. This will help to increase the serotonin levels, the chemical nerve messengers in the brain, It will help to combat depression & the SAD syndrome which is so prevalent at these times, especially in the Western Hemisphere. We in the Western Hemisphere also need to supplement with a good quality vitamin D & K2 supplement like the one I use every day which is sprayed under the tongue & will get right into the blood stream.
It’s a very good idea to walk bare foot outdoors in the garden & on the beach. The Hunza tribe in the Himalayas live almost next to the earth, they only eat pure foods & drink water from the mountains & they spend most of the time out doors. These folk very often live to the age of 120 & are fit & active & healthy right up to the end of their lives.
Nutrition is so important for building up our immune systems. Refined sugar is our deadly enemy as it feeds fungal infections which break down the good bacteria in the gut, subsequently burrows through the colon walls & sets up disease in any part of the body. Professor John Yudkin has written a very interesting book about sugar entitled 'Pure, White and Deadly'. In the early 1900’s the average person in the Western world was eating approximately 7 lbs of refined sugar a year. Now the average person is eating their whole body weight in refined sugar each year. This has most definitely contributed to diseases & toxic behaviour patterns. It’s a very good idea to eat a portion of food at each meal which fits into our two cupped hands. The stomach is put under huge stress if it’s overloaded! Taking responsibility for our own health is vitally important. Diet, exercise & rest are the most important aspects for developing a spiritual life also.
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received as a gift from God? You are not your own. You were bought with a price. So then honour God and bring glory to Him in your body”.
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20).