Certificate of Achievement - Nutrition for Healthcare Practitioners - September 2001.
Clients come for assessment of lifestyle, diet and general health. I give advice on how to change lifestyle with emphasis on healing of their bodies with pure foods and supplements, detoxification and fasting.
Hippocrates, the father of medicine said "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food." Thomas Edison, a famous scientist once said: 'Until a man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so called knowledge'. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favour compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final results of the rays of sunshine and water. When correctly used, herbs promote the elimination of waste matter and poisons from the system by simple, natural means; they support nature in its fight against disease while chemicals, not being easily assimilated, add to the accumulation of morbid matter and only simulate improvement by ''suppressing'' the symptoms'. A Distant Mirror | Video: A discussion on Terrain Theory.
Most sickness, from my own experience is caused by toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, a lack of good oils and fibre in the diet, lack of exercise and wrong thought patterns.
If my friends and clients are interested in more wholeness I point them towards nutrition, detoxification, building the immune system, exercise, rest, good quality sleep and meditation on God's word, the Bible.
The global cabal are multi-billion and trillionaires and certainly don't need money! They just want power and control over us. There are no such things as killer viruses (they are manufactured in laboratories and then put into vaccinations).
Pharmaceutical drugs do not heal diseases, taking any type of drug is like putting a sticking plaster on a festering wound instead of getting to the route of the problems i.e. lifestyle, diet, exercise, sleep and rest, which my spiritual father (Derek Prince) said were the three foundations to spiritual growth! Fasting and detoxification is also essential, alongside building up our support/immune systems. Our systems become poisoned by negative emotions, toxic food and drinks, chemicals, lack of exercise and lack of knowledge of the Word of God, the Bible. (My people are destroyed through lack of knowledge - Hosea 4:6). We all have "microbes", bacteria and viruses inside us to remove tissue which is no longer needed and to help reconstruct tissue damaged during a symptom crisis. They work inside us when the poisons in our body need to be removed so they are part of the natural healing process, the immune system. A good analogy is to tip the content of your food bin over your kitchen floor on a hot day, open the back door and leave the garbage there for a few days. What will happen next is that flies and wasps will hover around and try and break down all the rubbish! If we take drugs for an instant fix, we won't get to the route of the problem - toxicity, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental.
All pharmaceutical drugs have side effects. Pharmaceutical drugs have not always been used so prolifically in medicine. However - There are exceptions: for instance with terminal patients who need morphine as an example, also for severe injuries and traumas where pain killing drugs are essential. Many years ago the Rockefeller's took over the medical establishments and funded the pharmaceutical industry to help keep people sick (another part of eugenics?). Rockefeller tried to remove naturopaths from society by taking away their licences.
The globalists are funding Geo-engineering, spraying chem-trails out of aeroplanes. We see lots of crisscross lines in the sky (See Geo-Engineering Watch by Dane Wigington). Also, please watch The Dimming - Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary. Another eugenics programme?! Eugenics (the reduction of the world population) has been around since before Hitler's time. There have been many wars instigated by the globalists (luciferian socialist cabal). A book entitled 'Lucifer's Children' by Milan Martin is an excellent expose of their involvement in the funding of both sides of wars.
The globalists also promote vaccines. Much harm has been done to babies and young children with vaccine programmes for many years. The World Health Organisation (controlled by psychopaths) are now trying to bring in mandatory vaccinations for adults. We are now being bombarded by fear in the mainstream media. `Satan is a murderer and has been from the beginning (You are of your father the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires (which are characteristic) of your father. He was a murder from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks the falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies and of all that is false (John 8: 44-Amplified Bible Version).
Dr Sherri Tenpenny and Dr Carrie Madej on Vaccines.
Dr. Heiko Schöning w/ World Doctors Alliance
The Bible and Vaccination, Parts 1-3.
Coronavirus Vaccine Uncensored with Robert Kennedy Jr and Del Bigtree.
Doctors and medics from all over the world speak out!
Professor Dolores Cahill - Debunking the Covid-19 Narrative
UK Government's own Covid-19 Numbers expose the truth!
Real change would put all M.D's out of business!
Today they were forced to admit that Covid-19 does not exist
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Dr Andrew Wakefield: 'This is not a vaccine'
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Well done Ireland!
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Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich
WHO Insider blow the whistle on what is really going on in the inside
The Biggest Experiment Ever Done
AIDS Expert and Trauma surgeon talks Covid-19
She died in 2020 trying to get this out to the world
Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic
Plandemic: Plans for Vaccine Passports in Place 20 months ago
Dr Mike Yeadon
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Dr Ryan Cole, CEO of Cole Diagnostics regarding Covid
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A Good Man down - A fatal reaction of Vaccine Adverse Reactions
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An Urgent Message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi - 08/07/21
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For the sake of the Children (Scroll down for video)
Stew Peters with Dr Jane Ruby re the Vaccine
1976 Swine Flu Fraud - CBS 60 Minutes
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Unravelling the Fake Health Façade, Sugar Psyop, Real Obesity Source - Dr. Glidden
Pfizer Guilty of Intentional Mass Murder
Dr Tess Lawrie: Covid-19 Policy Failures, Vaccine Adverse Reactions, Regulatory Failures, WHO Takeover | UKColumn
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Safe & Effective | Oracle Films
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The Miracle Healing of Oil of Oregano (The Best Home Remedies) - Dr. Alan Mandell D.C
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THE WHO Plans to own and control your life!
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The Septuagint Bible (translation from Hebrew to Greek) is sacred and reliable. The Septuagint and a Greek New testament contain forms of the word 'Pharmakia' at least 27 times. The following definition of Pharmakia is found in Vines expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words under 'sorcery': PHARMAKIA (English pharmacy etc) primarily signified the use of medicine, drugs, spells; then, poisoning; then sorcery...…In sorcery, the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets etc. Vines gives this definition under 'sorcerer': PHARMAKOS, an adjective signifying devoted to the magical arts, is used as a noun, a sorcerer, especially one who uses drugs, potions, spells and enchantments. Another word used in the Septuagint to denote a drug-using magician is 'Epano'. It can refer to a magician who uses drugs or not.
Old Testament - Exodus 7:11 pharmakos, epano, pharmakia, 7:22 epano, pharmakia 8:7 epano, pharmakia. 8:18 epano, pharmakia. 8:19 epano 9:11 pharmakos. Exodus 9:11 'And the magicians were unable to stand before Moses because of the festering sores. For the festering sores occurred on the magacians and in the whole land of Egypt'. This is a type and shadow to revelation 16:11 - 'they blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pain and because of their sores but they did not repent from their deeds'. This refers to the seven Bowls of God's Wrath poured out in the Great Tribulation because those who followed the beast (Antichrist) received a mark on their hand and on their forehead so no one would be able to buy and sell except those who received the mark (Revelation 13).
New Testament - Galatians 5:20 pharmakia, Revelation: 9:21 pharmakia, 18:23 pharmakia, 21:8 pharmakos, 22:15 pharmakos.
Timothy Leary (1920-1996) an American psychologist and writer known for his strong advocacy of psychedelic drugs, was a friend of Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) an English writer and philosopher who frequently wrote about Hindu and Buddhist spiritual ideas, pacifism and mysticism. An excerpt from Timothy Leary's autobiography: The question that haunted our work in those early days was; How could we introduce these methods for mind expansion to society? I raised this issue with Aldous Huxley one day at Harvard Faculty club 'Why don't I come over to your place tonight?', he said, 'We'll take the drug and ask our expanded brains the question'. Around sunset I built a fire while Aldous stacked the books he had brought with him on a coffee table, then stretched himself out on the couch. We each took psilocybin (a hallucinogenic psychedelic mushroom). For the next three hours we listened to Bach, Mozart, African drums and Indian chants. Occasionally we waved reassurance to each other or murmured of bliss. Aldous sat up, lanky legs crossed and looked at me quizzically, 'so you don't know what to do with this bloody philosophers stone we have stumbled onto?. In the past this powerful knowledge has been guarded in privacy, passed on in the subdued, metaphorical, obscurantism of scholars, mystics and artists'. 'But society needs this information' I said passionately. My anti-elitist button had been pushed. 'These are evolutionary matters. They cannot be rushed. Work privately, initiate artists, writers, poets, jazz musicians, elegant courtesans, painters, rich bohemians, and they'll initiate the rich. That's how everything of beauty and culture and philosophic freedom has been passed on'. We fell into silence. The fireplace threw dancing colours around the room. A meadow of serenity. Huxley's eyes were closed. A beatific smile played around his thin mouth. Suddenly he clapped his hands against his bony leg, 'Your role is quite simple, become a cheerleader for evolution. That's what I did and my grandfather before me. These brain-drugs mass produced in the laboratories will bring about vast changes in society. This will happen with or without you or me. All we can do is spread the word. The obstacle to this evolution, Timothy, is the Bible'. (Flashbacks, pages 43-44)
Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World which warns of the dangers of giving the state control over new and powerful technologies! The problem is that it is a form of dictatorship. It's a dictatorship because it is just a small group of powerful humans dictating all the rules of life to the people, and the people themselves have no power or say in any aspect of their existance. So Aldous did write some truth in Brave New World, however, he was not spiritually reborn.
The Spirit expressly says that in the last times some of the faithful will turn their minds to following deceitful spirits and teachings of demons (1 Timothy 4:1). 'Woe to those who call bad, good, and good, bad, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight! (Isaiah 5:20-21) The Bible says ''Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them (Ephesians 5:11)
Fortunately the Church (Bride of Christ) will not be on earth during the Great Tribulation! The Bride is not appointed to wrath. For God decided to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. (1 Thessalonians 5:9)